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End of Life Care

We work closely with other services to help support people and their families at this very difficult time.

The local service

Together as a team we work with individuals and their families to address physical, emotional, social, spiritual and financial issues.

The core team includes a GP, District Nurse and MacMillan Nurse.

Please book with your GP if you or someone you care for needs help now.


NHS provides information on end of life care.

Support organisations

Various charities and support organisations have produced leaflets and materials providing information about palliative and end of life care, bereavement, advance planning, and other relevant issues.  Some of this information is condition-specific, and some is more generic. 

If you have been diagnosed with a specific condition, it may be worth finding out whether a charity exists which specialises in providing support to people in your situation.  Links to some useful information are provided below:

  • The Marie Curie Cancer Care website has a patients and families section which includes information and advice on a range of issues.
  • The Multiple System Atrophy Trust produces a range of information publications for those interested in MSA, including information sheets “After Someone Has Died”, “Helping Children Cope”, “What a Child Understands about Dying” and “Understanding Palliative Care”.
  • The Parkinson’s UK website has a section dedicated to advanced illness, including information for carers , a ‘preparing for end of life’ booklet, and information sheets on dementia, pain and other symptoms, access to care, and legal and emotional issues.